soosanmoo Etsy Shop Rewards Program

by - Monday, July 01, 2019

As a thank you to my loyal customers, I have decided to implement a rewards program with my Etsy Shop!

Here are some simple guidelines for this new Rewards Program:

  1. Request a Rewards Card when you purchase anything from my Etsy Shop
  2. Most products on my Etsy Shop will have a bubble sticker attached to it. Peel off the bubble sticker and place it on one of the grayed out spaces of the Rewards Card. 
  3. Upon filling up the entire Rewards Card, write the date of completion anywhere on the card. 
  4. When you are ready to redeem your reward, place an order. 
    • In "Add a note to soosanmoo" section, please include that you are redeeming a reward.
    • Immediately after placing the order, send a message to me on Etsy with a picture of the fully filled out & dated Rewards Card. 
  5. You're all set!

  • Sticker Flakes Pack: 1 Completely Filled Bubble Tea Card (10 bubbles). Includes the following 4 stickers (there are more! This is just a sneak peak of what to expect):

  • One Handmade Pin: 2 Completely Filled Bubble Tea Card (20 bubbles). Design selected at random of the following:

    To redeem this, take picture of both cards side by side. Reward Cards cannot be previously redeemed before.

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